“Everton” is a football club of English city Liverpool which started its professional activity in 1878. This club is one of the founders of the Premier-League in 1992, and also its participant. Also, the club has been the participant of the Country Top Division for 117th season in a row and it is a very rare index. A lot of fans will be able to see the schedule of the games of the team FC “Everton” bot to miss a tournament. We’ve created a friendly platform to follow your favorite club. Here you also can watch the game in a real-time mode and be carried to the grandstands. Planned watching of the tournament beforehand but suddenly urgent matters occurred – don’t worry, live-results ate always available at the club’s page. You can get the detailed information about the results – who had won and who had lost, the goals scored, the number of the balls missed, and etc. Join us online and get the recent news about the favorite club – FC “Everton”!